AIIA welcomes Victorian Minister to focus on digital economy and job creation

AUSTRALIA'S peak industry representative body for innovation technology, the Australian Information Industry Association (AIIA) had supported the Victorian Government’s decision to appoint a Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and Digital Economy.

The critical role was given to Jaala Pulford, who will also focus on creating jobs and oversee Working for Victoria as Minister for Employment.

AIIA requested appointing a Minister for Digital Capability in addition to a wider set of recommendations recently put to the Australian Government as part of the AIIA White Paper titled ​Building Australia’s Digital Future in a Post-COVID World​.

AIIA CEO, Ron Gauci said, “We welcome the Victorian Government’s approach to appointing a Minister for the Digital Economy and we look forward to working together on rebuilding Victoria post-COVID.

“We thank the role that Martin Pakula played as Minister of Technology and see this new appointment as allowing for greater focus on digital transformation.

“Our future economic prosperity centres on Australia emerging in a way that responds to the opportunities, and addresses the weaknesses that have prevailed throughout this difficult period. Our economy and workforce needs to transition towards increased sovereign capabilities, seeking resilience in global and local supply chains while digitising our economy,” Mr Gauci said.

The appointment of the Minister for Innovation, Medical Research and Digital Economy comes as three new members of Cabinet were also sworn in today, with Natalie Hutchins, Shaun Leane and Danny Pearson joining the Andrews Labor Government Ministry.

The AIIA is a not-for-profit organisation aimed at fuelling Australia’s future social and economic prosperity through technology innovation.


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