COVID-19 prompts Regional Australia extension

AS A RESULT of the travel restrictions imposed by COVID-19, the House of Representatives Select Committee on Regional Australia will be extending its inquiry into 2021.

Committee chair, Tony Pasin MP said the committee was planning to travel to regional Australian communities as COVID-19 travel restrictions ease.

"We’re looking forward to the opportunity to further connect with people who live in the regions and to develop our understanding of the challenges and opportunities found across regional communities," Mr Pasin said.

"This extension allows us to further examine how the Black Summer bushfires and COVID-19 have impacted regional areas. We hope to learn more about what our regions need in order to encourage growth, decentralisation and sustainability."

Prior to the introduction of travel restrictions, the Committee conducted site visits and community roundtables in northern Tasmania. Since then the Committee has held 12 virtual public hearings.

Submissions to the inquiry have now been re-opened.

The Committee is offering organisations and individuals who have previously lodged a submission the opportunity to update their submissions in light of recent events.

Both new and updated submissions can be emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To learn more about the inquiry or read submissions received so far, visit


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