More funding available for Queensland explorers

THE Queensland Resources Council (QRC) and its exploration focused member organisation the Queensland Exploration Council (QEC) will encourage members and the wider community of minerals exploration companies across Queensland to take advantage of the Queensland Government’s latest round of exploration grants announced today as part of a COVID-19 recovery package.

The QRC and QEC are pleased to see the government’s recognition of Queensland’s exploration industry has resulted in the largest pool of grants ever offered by the Collaborative Exploration Initiative (CEI).

Chair of the QEC, Kim Wainwright said the government’s announcement today was welcome news for an industry that had experienced significant hardship during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Explorers across Queensland have been hurting for some months now, many were shut out of the JobKeeper payment subsidy, and finally we are seeing light at the end of the tunnel,” Ms Wainwright said.

“Feedback from industry bodies like the QRC, QEC and from explorers themselves have been heard.

“Today’s $10 million top up in explorer grants is a great start,” Ms Wainwright said.

In addition to the increased explorer funding pool on offer, the Queensland Government has announced the CEI will extend to mineral exploration regions outside of the North-West Minerals Province.

“Opening up funding for mineral projects state-wide is the next step forward to unearthing Queensland’s plentiful supply of new economy minerals such as gold, titanium, cobalt and bauxite,” Ms Wainwright said.

“The regional development benefits for local communities like those located in North Queensland as far as the Wide Bay Burnett region will have only positive flow-on effects of more jobs, infrastructure and upskilling the local workforce through the industry’s supply chain.

“The previous CEI round in the past month has received the highest number of applications on record. I predict even higher levels of interest now that more funding is available to our explorers. I wish them all the best of luck in accelerating new exploration in Queensland,” Ms Wainwright said.


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