Youth unemployment webinar today: How innovative approaches can help unemployed youth during COVID-19

THE COVID-19 pandemic and associated economic shock is now exacerbating employment precariousness for young people, and for some, if they are not supported at this time they may be at risk of long-term welfare dependency. Even before COVID-19 struck, young Australians were particularly disadvantaged in the labour market.

Typically, young people have unemployment rates that are double those of the general population and the employment services system is perceived by many to be too compliance-driven rather than offering the intensive, targeted support that may be needed.

For young people who are often inexperienced in the labour market, and who are just beginning to develop job readiness skills, competencies and confidence, the deficiencies in the employment services system are acutely felt.

This impact2020 webinar will discuss youth unemployment in the context of Mentoring 2 Work, an innovative DSS project rolled out in Perth, Western Australia, under the Try, Test and Learn Fund.

This project helps unemployed young adults at risk of long-term welfare dependence to become job-ready with the personalised assistance of volunteer mentors who guide and support them through the job seeking process. A number of surprising findings have emerged highlighting the importance of relational supports in addressing individual needs and barriers to becoming job-ready.

Join the panel of Centre for Social Impact researchers, Dr Mariana Atkins and Lisette Kaleveld, with Principal Project Officer for Mentoring 2 Work, Paul Abbott, to explore how innovative approaches can better serve the needs of our unemployed youth.

WHEN: Monday 25 May 4pm-5pm AEST

WHERE: Online - Zoom webinar


This webinar is part of CSI’s impact2020 – providing free daily webinars to the for-purpose sector to bring people together and achieve brilliant things during these unprecedented times.


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