Dreamworld commends govt on tourism funding boost

DREAMWORLD today welcomed the joint announcement by Queensland Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk, and State Development, Tourism and Innovation Minister Kate Jones of an extra $50 million to help support the tourism industry and, in particular, the state's iconic theme parks.

“There is no doubt the past few months have been incredibly difficult for all Australians and our industry has certainly experienced this as well," Dreamworld chief executive officer, John Osborne said.

"A cash injection of the kind described in the announcement by the Premier and Minister Jones is most welcomed and will greatly assist us as we move into the post COVID-19 environment," Mr Osborne said.

“We are pleased the government has recognised the significant role our parks play in both the tourism and local economies, and Dreamworld looks forward to working with the government to ensure our businesses recover, unite and grow stronger post COVID-19."



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