Builders commend Federal Government on procurement and payment time changes

MASTER BUILDERS Australia has commended the Federal Government’s move to support business through the economic shock of COVID-19 by amending its procurement and contracting arrangements. 

Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builder Australia said, “The measures to give relief on contract terms and speed up payments  announced by the Minister for Finance today is an extremely positive initiative that will bolster confidence among building and construction businesses working on federally funded construction projects.

“It’s very pleasing to see the government making an effort to be a ‘model procurer’ and setting a good example in providing relief to businesses whose provision of goods and services is affected by COVID-19,” Ms Wawn said. 

“Master Builders has been calling for this measure since the onset of the economic emergency brought on by the coronavirus and it’s really good to see the government has been listening. We must also give credit to the Defence Department which moved early on to provide this kind of support to its suppliers. 

“Now we just need more private sector clients to follow the government’s example and also do the right thing and not take commercial advantage during the COVID-19 crisis,” Ms Wawn said.


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