Caravan Industry supports domestic market stimulation activities from Tourism Australia 

AS THE PEAK national body for caravan and camping, Caravan Industry Association of Australia is supporting the domestic initiatives recently announced by Tourism Australia to stimulate the domestic tourism market with the release of their Live from Aus initiative.

There are more than 710,000 RVs currently sitting idle throughout Australia, with an estimated 18 million Australians who are connected to the caravan and camping lifestyle, who have been cooped up in their homes.  This audience in particular will be eager to hit the road and explore once restrictions ease and will be key to reinvigorating tourism businesses and regional communities in all parts of Australia. 

Association CEO, Stuart Lamont said, “We realise the immense pressure that tourism operators are under right now.  The last few months have been traumatic and it looks as through international tourism is still a way off.  This will add to the pressure being felt by those tourism businesses who largely cater to an international market.

“We see an immense opportunity for the caravan and camping sector to help activate these businesses again through the dispersal of domestic caravan and camping visitors into regions hit hard by the loss in tourism dollars.

"It has also been encouraging to see the recent easing of restrictions in some states and territories.  While it doesn’t yet provide the detail to plan with certainty, travellers can look forward to a time when they are once again able to move freely around the country and experience our unique culture, natural beauty and amazing food and drink."

Caravan and camping would normally contribute more than $21 billion annually to the Australian economy, to be able to reactivate this market will go a long way to helping Australia heal.  Data out of Tourism Research Australia for 2019 showed that Caravan and Camping is Australia's favourite holiday accommodation, accounting for more nights than any other type of accommodation for leisure. 

"Tourism Australia’s readjusted focus to stimulate the domestic market is very strategic move to kickstart the recovery process for many hurting businesses," Mr Lamont said.

"Caravan Industry Association of Australia is very supportive of this shift and looks forward to being part of this journey to see travellers back on the road enjoying themselves and celebrating our wonderful home country."


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