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East West Link vital for preventing congestion chaos


VICTORIA's peak business body has restated its support for the East West Link amid reports the project is vital to tackling Melbourne’s worsening traffic congestion.

“VECCI has been a consistent supporter of the East West Link because of the economic and social benefits it will bring, including its potential to reduce congestion,” said VECCI Chief Executive Mark Stone.

His comments come in the wake of recent commentary that warns of “unimaginable” traffic chaos if the road is not built.

Mr Stone said with forecast significant growth in population and trade over the next 25 years, the East West Link will be critical to ensuring the smooth flow of freight and residents across Melbourne. The project will also reduce the dependency on the Monash Freeway and enhance access to Tullamarine Airport for those in the south east corridor.

Mr Stone also said the Melbourne Metro rail tunnel has a valuable role to play in building a better transportation system for Melbourne.

“The improvement in the public transport service coverage and quality that Melbourne Metro will bring will open up new travel and employment options for residents, visitors and business travellers alike,” said Mr Stone.

“Improved public transport capacity, travel times and options can have major flow on benefits for business.

“It is for these reasons that VECCI encourages the State Government to progress both projects as part of an integrated, long-term transport plan for Victoria’s future.”
