Tenants Queensland: Laws to protect renters during COVID-19 a welcome relief but also a ‘missed opportunity’

TENANTS Queensland (TQ) has welcomed the release of regulations governing COVID affected tenancies, bringing clarity and relief to many but says it was a ‘missed opportunity’ at the same time.

TQ CEO Penny Carr said protecting renters in rent arrears from eviction is a very positive step and the clear process for resolving rent disputes will help landlords and tenants alike navigate the challenges.

The inclusion of rooming accommodation residents in protections is also well received. However, the organisation believes the Queensland Government missed an opportunity to fully protect tenants from rogue agents during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"In instances where negotiation fails, rent disputes may be drawn out while rent debts mount, and ending tenancies for hardship will become more difficult," Ms Carr said.

“The new criteria set for tenants to immediately end tenancies is so stringent that few, if any, will be able to use it, while the usual process of pleading an early end to the tenancy for hardship has been extended,” she said.

“In contrast, landlords’ hardship applications will still proceed straight to QCAT and landlords will have a range of new grounds with which to evict renters. These include telling a tenant to leave during a fixed-term agreement because the landlord wants to prepare the place for sale.

“For the lessor to simply say end an agreement to prepare the place for sale, despite the tenant having a fixed-term agreement, is unreasonable and brings greater instability to people’s tenancies.

“This is disappointing. The legislation was meant to protect tenants from rogue agents but now has the potential to create more movement during a public health crisis.”

Ms Carr, who heads the state’s leading tenant advisory service, said her organisation was receiving hundreds of calls from renters seeking clarification about whether they will get a rent reductions or if they can leave quickly so they don’t’ rack up a rent debt.

Ms Carr said she welcomed the opportunity to have oversight of the new laws as part of the Ministerial Housing Council’s Housing Security Sub-committee and looks forward to working with the government to monitor the situation.

About Tenants Queensland

Tenants Queensland (TQ) is a specialist community legal centre that provides a free advice and referral service for residential tenants in Queensland through its flagship QSTARS program. TQ aims to protect and improve the rights of residential tenants in Queensland, particularly those who are economically or socially disadvantaged.   www.tenantsqld.gov.au.


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