Business to take its mobility pulse for post-COVID 19 response

THE University of Sydney Business School’s Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies (ITLS) in partnership with the Business Council of Sustainable Development Australia (BCSD Australia) has launched a Mobility Pulse Survey to gather data on how prepared business is for mobility shocks and how it will pivot once the community is mobile again.
The enforcement of stay-at-home orders around Australia and the world has resulted in behavioural changes and a rethink of how we work and live. Remote working, reduced vehicle use and near empty public transport are just some examples of a living experiment which will change the sustainable mobility narrative.
Data is already showing improved air quality resulting from a reduction in commuting and that remote work can be extremely productive for those working in certain sectors and roles.
“With millions of workers now working from home this is exactly the right time for business to discuss sustainable mobility and to identify opportunities for business-wide change, such as flexible and remote work, lowering emission fleets and freight, as well as considering how customers and visitors access their sites,” said John Nelson, chair of Public Transport at the Institute of Transport and Logistics Studies at The University of Sydney Business School. 
“Through this survey we will better understand how business and communities are currently responding and also rethinking their approach to mobility management throughout their organisations and supply chains in a post-pandemic world,” Prof. Nelson said.
“These insights will be invaluable for formulating responses that can support business and workers, help to stimulate financial markets while also supporting pathways to a decarbonised economy.
Sarah Forde, director or BCSD Australia’s Mobility and Cities program said, “We are witnessing global and systemic impacts to mobility and how we work.

“In discussions with our members, we hear that business is keen to understand the impacts of these changed circumstances and their preparedness compared to what they were addressing before the impact of the virus on society and our economy.  This survey is a business-wide examination to help our members and ultimately the broader business community to better design of sustainable measures to ensure long-term preparedness.”
The survey takes 10-15 minutes and covers flexible work, staff and customer journeys, how suppliers and products move through the value chain, and the impacts on building and parking facilities, fleets, electric vehicles, logistics, infrastructure and technology.  
The Mobility Pulse Survey is open to companies of any size and sector. Responses are confidential and will be used to gather trends, highlight gaps and opportunities. Individual company results will not be identified publicly.

The outcomes will contribute to an ‘After the Pandemic Mobility Roadmap’ supporting business and community action towards achieving Sustainable Development Goals 3 – Good health and well-being, 11 – Sustainable cities and communities, 13 – Climate action.
The survey is available on the BCSD Australia’s website until Friday May 1. 

About BCSD Australia

The Business Council for Sustainabl Development Australia (BSCD Australia) is an Australian coalition of private and public organisations advocating for progress on sustainable development. Its mission is to be a catalyst for innovation and sustainable growth in a world where resources are increasingly limited. The Council provides a platform for companies to share experiences and best practices on sustainable development issues and advocate for their implementation, working with governments, non-governmental and intergovernmental organisations. BCSD Australia’s members include leading Australian businesses, from all sectors, who share a commitment to economic, environmental and social development, public sector enterprises institutions, business and industry non-government organisations and community organisations, which in turn represent more than 100,000 Australian employees. A full membership list is available:
BCSD Australia is the Network Partner of the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), the Australian Partner of the We Mean Business Coalition, the Regional Platform Partner of the Natural Capital Coalition, and Australian Partner for CDP, the institutional formally known as the Carbon Disclosure Project.


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