My Business Health boosted to support small businesses through coronavirus crisis

SMALL BUSINESSES struggling to cope with the COVID-19 crisis do not have to suffer alone, with the new and improved My Business Health offering dedicated holistic support to employers and sole traders.

The Australian Small Business and Family Enterprise Ombudsman Kate Carnell said the My Business Health web portal had been re-designed to walk small business owners and sole traders through the practical steps they need to take to keep their businesses afloat.

My Business Health also takes a tailored approach – in partnership with leading mental health organisation Beyond Blue –to support small business owners through this very difficult period.

“Small businesses are under enormous pressure right now, with many forced to close their doors and others unsure how they will survive the coming months,” Ms Carnell said.

“In addition to providing small businesses and sole traders with a very simple guide to what assistance is available to them, My Business Health also links to Beyond Blue’s new dedicated coronavirus mental health support service."

Minister for Employment, Skills, Small and Family Business, Senator Michaelia Cash, said the Morrison Government was committed to ensuring support to small businesses during this challenging time.

“There’s no question Australians are doing it tough right now, and on top of the financial assistance available to small businesses, we want to make sure the small business operators have the necessary mental health support as well,” Senator Cash said.

Ms Carnell encouraged the Australian small business community to take stock this Easter long weekend.

“This is a very difficult and uncertain time, but I want small businesses and sole traders to know that they are not alone. There is help at hand for those that need it," she said.

“Now is the time to focus on looking after yourself, because your business ultimately depends on you. Visiting My Business Health is an excellent starting point.”

Beyond Blue’s Coronavirus Mental Wellbeing Support Service is now live at


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