Industry welcomes payment to keep tourism jobs

THE Federal Government’s announcement of wage support through the ‘JobKeeper' payment is a lifeline for Australia’s tourism industry.

"The Prime Minister’s program to ‘get us to the other side’ won't protect every tourism job, but it will help support some of the businesses who can get our export industry back on its feet,” Australian Tourism Export Council (ATEC) managing director Peter Shelley said.

“This is about keeping the knowledge and skills of our industry connected and we welcome the wage subsidy the Federal Government has put forth today. 

“Australia’s $45 billion export tourism industry has already been battered by January's bushfires which were closely followed by the closure of our China inbound market - two setbacks which hit the tourism industry long before the broader economy shutdown of recent weeks.

“Tourism employs one in 13 Australians and export tourism accounted for around 10 percent of our exports last year, so tourism's ability to get back on its feet quickly will help to drive our economic recovery."

Mr Shelley said the next step would be to look at how those tourism employees can be productive and turn their energy toward helping to build their businesses and take full advantage of the downtime.

“This remains a terribly challenging time for tourism businesses across Australia and sadly not all will be able to take advantage of this package, but the support for those businesses who can retain their employees will be welcomed.”

About ATEC

Australian Tourism Export Council is the peak industry body representing Australia's $45 billion tourism export sector.


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