Arventa offers free software to help businesses manage COVID-19 risks

ARVENTA, a leading provider of cloud based risk management software, has begun providing free access to its interactive, guided COVID-19 Risk Assessment to all businesses. 

This free tool will analyse businesses for compliance and best practices surrounding COVID-19, assisting them to adequately prepare and manage this unprecedented situation.

The COVID-19 Risk Assessments were created through collating the current best expert advice from a range of sources, including the Australian Government Department of Health, Safe Work Australia, and WorkSafe Victoria.

Three separate COVID-19 Risk Assessments have been provided, to ensure the needs of the user are being met.

For business owners and managers, a specific business risk assessment advises how best to provide a safe workspace and prevent disruption to staff and customers.

For contractors and visitors, a separate Risk Assessment has been created to ensure that they are appropriately taken care of.

For those working from home, a risk assessment has been specifically tailored to ensure ergonomic and mental health issues are adequately covered as well.

For businesses who require guidance, free online training seminars are being held daily. These guided training sessions will provide expert assistance, and help explain the risks and mitigation strategies surrounding COVID-19.

The free COVID-19 Risk Assessments can be found at

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