NATSIHA supports COVID-19 safety measures, calls for vital housing support

THE National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Housing Authority (NATSIHA) cautiously supports the safety measures put into place recently by the Northern Territory government regarding the deadly coronavirus.

The restrictions relate to travel to Aboriginal communities unless providing essential services with similar measures planned for APY lands in South Australia.
NATSIHA co-chair, Ivan Simon said, “These restrictions are in place to protect Aboriginal people who already face chronic health conditions, lack of resources and overcrowding and in many cases severe overcrowding.

"The issue with overcrowding is that many people are in close proximity to each other and any disease can spread unabated as we have seen in the past with such ailments as diarrhoea and scabies.

"Overcrowding also places a severe strain on the housing functionality which will affect basic hygiene practices due to the bathroom and toilet not working properly which adds to the likelihood of diseases spreading rapidly in these houses.
“NATSIHA is disappointed on many levels with Commonwealth, State and Territory governments because of inaction regarding the Closing the Gap Refresh which identified housing as an essential target because it will increase the chance of success of the current seven targets," Mr Simon said.

"Indigenous housing has been ’grossly’ underfunded and its importance in the debate around improved Indigenous health and well-being and participation on a holistic level is under-estimated. A house in not the solution in itself, however it provides a stable base to enable other services and support to be delivered to the doorstep and the chance of success is greatly improved," he said.

NATSIHA is urging the Australian and State/Territory governments to activate the Closing the Gap Refresh results and include Indigenous housing in its targets and provide ongoing funding for increased Indigenous housing and services to be delivered efficiently and effectively with direct input from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and organisations.

"A long term bi-partisan approach by both major political parties would also enhance the success of programs and NATSIHA looks forward to continued discussions with government and bureaucracies to that end."


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