RSL Qld calls on Australians to show their Anzac spirit ... at dawn, at home

RSL QUEENSLAND is encouraging Australians to honour the service of Australia’s Defence forces, past and present, by standing at the end of their driveways or on their balconies as the sun rises this Anzac Day.

With Anzac Day services, events and parades cancelled across the nation due to the ongoing COVID19 crisis, RSL Queensland state president Tony Ferris said such a display of solidarity would send a powerful message of support to Australia’s Defence community.

“This is an idea that has gathered momentum in social media, and we agree it's a brilliant way to collectively honour the dedication, commitment and sacrifice of our service people – even though we cannot physically be together,” Mr Ferris said.

He said Australians could safely commemorate Anzac Day by standing at the end of their driveway or on a balcony at 6am and observing a minute’s silence.

“This Anzac Day, I’d like to see all Australians participate in a different kind of Dawn Service, an intimate reflection conducted on a mass scale that unites us all in the Anzac spirit.”

He said the qualities evoked by the ANZAC spirit – ingenuity, humour, endurance, courage and mateship – were more important than ever in times of uncertainty.

“Regardless of the form this year’s Anzac Day commemorations take, let’s show that Australians will always remember those who have served and sacrificed for this nation,” he said.

Australians can also show their support by donating to RSL Queensland’s Anzac Day Appeal at


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