Have your say on Indigenous opportunity

THE Indigenous Affairs Committee in the Federal Parliament has launched a new survey seeking your feedback on ways to make employment and business ownership easier to access for Indigenous Australians.

This survey forms part of the committee’s current Inquiry into Pathways and Participation Opportunities for Indigenous Australians in Employment and Business. Committee Chair Julian Leeser said it makes having your say to the Parliament easier and faster than ever before.

"A focus of this inquiry is removing barriers, and what better way to start than by removing barriers to participating in the inquiry?" Mr Leeser said.

"You can fill out the survey in only five minutes, and if there’s something you’d like to raise with the Committee in more detail you can still make a longer written submission to the inquiry and be considered as a possible witness at a future public hearing."

The Committee plans to announce hearings around regional Australia in the coming weeks as part of the inquiry.

You can find more information about the inquiry on the Committee’s website.

The survey can be accessed at this link.


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