Empowering Victorian business to combat coronavirus and bushfire crises through free access to Victorian Chamber services

TODAY, the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry is launching a new initiative to help Victorian business survive under tough business conditions exacerbated by the bushfire and coronavirus crises.

The initiative, offered for the first time, will waive membership fees for one year for all Victorian businesses up to a value of $700. Existing members will receive an additional $500 credit.

The Victorian Chamber has developed the initiative in response to business concerns, with many members reporting they may have to close their doors after being hit hard by the impacts of bushfires and coronavirus.

"Waiving membership fees is not a decision we made lightly; we made this decision because business owners have told us they are struggling," Victorian Chamber chief executive Paul Guerra said. ". We want to make sure Victorian businesses have the best chance of success.

"Businesses need to be supported, with a well-trained workforce and plan for growth. This initiative helps businesses navigate all the pressures they are facing by giving them a support base that’s got their back," he said.

“The Victorian Chamber advocates on behalf of businesses, but when they are not doing so well, we need to help. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary actions and this is certainly something the Chamber has never done before.

“We’ve been the voice of Victorian business for 167 years and we listen to our members. They have told us what they need and we will address this by giving them access to practical help to steer them to success.”

The initiative is open to every Victorian business because we believe that Victorian business needs our help and we want to make sure every business, no matter its size, can access the expert services it needs to see a way back to profit.

As part of the year-long initiative, the Victorian Chamber will hold a series of roadshows in metropolitan and regional Victoria throughout the year where businesses will have an opportunity to discuss concerns, gain information on growing their profits and provide feedback and information on the issues they want the Chamber to raise with government policy makers.

Local, state and federal politicians will be invited to attend so that they can hear directly from business.

The Victorian Chamber initiative is supported by services offered pro bono from some of our members, who will be able to steer and advise businesses what they can do to keep their business afloat and work towards growth. Information on the services offered is available at victorianchamber.com.au.

To be attributed to :

“The Victorian Chamber advocates on behalf of businesses, but when they are not doing so well, we need to help. Extraordinary times call for extraordinary actions and this is certainly something the Chamber has never done before.

“We’ve been the voice of Victorian business for 167 years and we listen to our members. They have told us what they need and we will address this by giving them access to practical help to steer them to success.”

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