ATEC: International campaign will help put Australia back on the travel list

TOURISM AUSTRALIA's new pitch to win back international visitors is a welcome step in helping to drive new visitation following the setbacks experienced by tourism businesses across the nation as a result of January's bushfires.

“This is the right time to be hitting the accelerator and encouraging our international visitors back to Australia and this campaign is one of the key demand driver activities the tourism industry has been waiting for," ATEC managing direcgor Peter Shelley said.

"January’s bushfires and the global media focus saw masses of international visitor cancellations and impacted tourism businesses across the country.  These steps towards rebuilding the momentum in some of our key Asian markets including Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia and India as well as the United Kingdom, will reveal the true story that Australia is still a fantastic place to visit and has as much to offer as ever.

“We’ve missed out on one of the most lucrative booking periods of the year, but the team effort between industry, Tourism Australia and the federal and state governments means we are putting our best efforts towards regaining ground and reviving our $45bn export tourism industry," he said.

“We have to bust the myth that the whole of the country has been devastated by the fires and rebuild confidence in Australia as a great destination.

“Building on the well known and loved campaign theme of ‘There’s nothing like Australia’, this campaign will be able to leverage the ideals of Australia that are already well known and loved across the world.

“ATEC is very glad to see this campaign kick off what will be an ongoing engagement program that will help rebuild visitation over the medium to long term and help get our export tourism industry back on track.”


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