QRC welcomes the State Government's 2020 Queensland Exploration Program

The Queensland Resources Council (QRC) has welcomed the State Government’s 2020 Queensland Exploration Program which will open more than 7000 square kilometres of land for coal, gas and petroleum exploration. 

QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the release of land for exploration for all resources was essential in creating new jobs, growing exports and supporting regional Queensland.

“We have been very supportive of the release of areas for exploration for all resources and the development of gas to service the domestic market. A proactive exploration program secures tomorrow’s resource industry while supporting jobs, many of which will be in regional Queensland,” Mr Macfarlance said.

“To keep this momentum in job creation going it’s essential that during this election year all sides of Parliament commit to a consultative regulatory process and clear approval guidelines."

Mr Macfarlane said Queensland’s neighbours must take a leaf out of Queensland's book and develop their own onshore gas reserves. New South Wales and Victoria cannot expect Queensland to continue to supply, and subsidise, their own gas users. he said.

The release of land in the Bowen and Surat basins includes two metallurgical coal areas and 12 petroleum and gas areas. The petroleum release will include land for domestic only supply with the first competitive tender in April and March for the coal areas.



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