Federal Government wastes another $15m on sports - Taxpayers' Alliance

THE Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance, the nations’ largest grassroots advocacy group representing taxpayers, came out swinging against the $15 million the Sydney Swans just received from the Federal Government for new facilities. 

“Football is one of the great Australian pastimes. But because it is so popular, sports teams are the last people in need of government handouts,” ATA policy director, Emilie Dye said. “If anyone could afford to pay for their own facilities it is the Sydney Swans.

“The Swans made a profit for the last eight years with crowds averaging over 30,000. If the Swans can afford to bring players like 'Buddy' Franklin over for $10 million, building their own facilities shouldn’t bust their budget. The government is robbing the taxpayer to pay the rich.

“Australia’s budget surplus has dropped due to bushfires, but instead of tightening their belts pollies are dropping taxpayer money into key electorates. Throwing money at a major sports team with tens of thousands of fans is no different," Ms Dye said.

“The fans of the Greater Western Sydney Giants can’t be happy to see their hard-earned tax dollars filling the coffers of the Swans. Politicians in Canberra are yet again arbitrarily picking winners and losers. And per usual the taxpayer loses and power-hungry pollies win.” 


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