Master Builders Australia donates $150,000 to bushfire relief

MASTER BUILDERS Australia has announced that it is donating $150,000 to support those communities affected by the devastating bushfires and the tireless and courageous efforts of those who are fighting them. 

“The Master Builders movement, encompassing Master Builders’ national office, Master Builders Associations in each state and territory and MBA Insurance Services is making this donation to support their local communities to provide assistance in the immediate crisis. It is only the first step in our commitment to help affected communities to recover and rebuild their lives,” Master Builders Australia CEO Denita Wawn said. 

“Master Builders Associations around the country are also actively encouraging their members to donate to the official fundraising appeals established by government and national charities the Red Cross, Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul and are also providing hands on support and advice. 

“Right now we have many members and staff in regional Australia and many of those in affected communities are volunteering in the firefighting and recovery effort. Our offices in affected regions will play a vital role in helping local builders and tradies to get back on their feet,” Ms Wawn said. 

“Master Builders is also providing support to our many members in affected communities whose businesses have been negatively impacted, including with assistance and advice on insurance related matters. 

 “Helping local economies in affected towns and regions to recover will be crucial to the recovery of those communities and their residents. The Master Builders community will be working to ensure that local builders and tradespeople are engaged to conduct reconstruction work in their local communities,” Ms Wawn said. 

“Master Builders Australia and Master Builders Associations are in contact with federal and state governments as they plan the reconstruction that will follow once the current crisis has passed recognising that the nation still faces two more months of the traditional bushfire season. We are committed to continue to provide whatever assistance that we can."



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