Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance now takes bitcoin donations

THE Australian Taxpayers' Alliance, which claims to be the nation’s largest grassroots advocacy group representing taxpayers, today announced they are accepting donations through bitcoin in a move to give their supporters more financial privacy.

“The world is naturally moving away from traditional cash transactions and the government has threatened to begin restricting the use of cash. But Australians still have a right to privacy, something big banks don’t afford their customers,” ATA policy director, Emilie Dye said.

“Many don’t want the government, their banks, and their friends knowing how they spend, and how they give their hard earned money. We are giving our supporters another option to feel more secure.

“In the modern social-media driven world, data is one of the most precious commodities we hold. Banks shouldn’t get information about your spending habits without anything in return. Bitcoin, like cash, competes with big banks and credit card companies forcing them to do better," Ms Dye said.

“Many have begun to worry Australia will see negative interest rates. Aussies should have have a variety of viable saving and spending options instead of relying on corporate banks which are notorious for charging high fees.

“The tide is moving in the direction of cryptocurrency. We are getting on board by offer our supporters the option to use bitcoin when they donate.”


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