International parliamentarians gather in Canberra

CANBERRA will play host to a meeting of parliamentarians from around the world, with the 28th Asia Pacific Parliamentary Forum to be held at Parliament House in January.

The APPF is an annual forum where national parliamentarians from the Asia Pacific region meet to identify and discuss important matters of common concern.

Speaker of the House of Representatives and president of the APPF Executive Committee, Tony Smith MP, said the forum would bring together more than 300 delegates from parliaments from the 27 member countries and another 11 observer countries.

"Since the first APPF in 1993, the forum has been an incredible opportunity for parliamentarians to share experiences with colleagues from around the world," Mr Smith said.

"I’m especially pleased that in 2020, the forum will welcome delegates from countries in the Pacific Island Forum.

"Events such as APPF28 form part of the Australian Parliament’s International Program, which helps to promote understanding, sharing of knowledge and democratic development with our fellow parliaments around the world."

Australia was one of nine originating countries of the APPF. The Australian Parliament hosted the second preparatory meeting in Canberra in 1991 before the inaugural meeting of the APPF in January 1993 in Tokyo. Australia last hosted the APPF in 2000.

Delegates will participate in a number of plenary sessions, discussing subjects such as security, economics and trade, and regional cooperation. At the conclusion of the forum, a joint communique will be published, outlining all agreed resolutions from APPF28.

For more information about the forum, visit


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