QRC welcomes Senex Energy’s first gas from Project Atlas

GAS IS FLOWING from Senex Energy’s Project Atlas near Wandoan after the company was awarded the acreage with a domestic-only condition last year by the Queensland Government.

QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said Senex Energy had already created hundreds of jobs during construction and would now protect jobs by delivering gas domestically.

“This gas will supply reliable electricity to Queenslanders through the new State Government-owned generator CleanCo, which operates Swanbank E gas-fired power station near Ipswich, along with manufactures CSR, Orora and O-I," Mr Macfarlane said.

“It’s a great Queensland story with Brisbane-based Senex delivering first gas to Queenslanders and Queensland manufacturers. This will help drive down energy costs which will protect jobs in the manufacturing industry.

“Project Atlas vindicates Queensland’s proactive approach to developing gas but, with NSW and Victoria’s ongoing failure to develop their own gas resources, Queensland continues to do all the heavy lifting to provide extra gas for the eastern Australian market.”

Mr Macfarlane said Project Atlas was granted a domestic only supply lease by the State Government in March last year which was an innovative regulatory framework for ensuring domestic gas supply by avoiding an overly prescriptive gas reservation policy.

“Now it’s a flagship example of what can be achieved by developing Queensland’s resources to the benefit of local communities and the State’s industrial base.”

Project Atlas is the first natural gas acreage in Australia committed to supplying domestic customers.



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