QRC and CFMEU call for Acland mine approvals

THE CFMEU has added its voice to calls from the Queensland Resources Council (QRC) for the Palaszczuk Government to act on approvals for the New Hope coal mine near Oakey.

CFMEU Queensland Mining and Energy district president Stephen Smyth said the government must stand up for workers.

“This has gone on for long enough. I know first hand how important mining jobs are for regional Queensland,” Mr Smyth said.

“We want to see Queenslanders employed in the coal industry whether they’re in Moranbah or at Acland. New Hope workers deserve better than silence and stonewalling from the Palaszczuk Government.”

QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the drawn out process for approvals sent a poor signal to investors.

“If Queensland wants to attract new investment that create new jobs, investors have to be confident of the rules and regulations that apply,” Mr Macfarlane.

“While people respect the courts, they expect leadership from the State Government. 150 people have already lost their jobs because of the uncertainly about the mine expansion. More are at risk without approvals.

“The Palaszczuk Government must act to back jobs.”

In 2007 Anna Bligh’s Government legislated to guarantee operations at Xstrata’s Wollombi project in Central Queensland in response to a court ruling.

At the time, Anna Bligh said: "My government is not prepared to have this uncertainty… Next week we will legislate to validate the mining lease so that the mine can proceed, but only with stringent environmental requirements."



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