Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement legislation passes the Senate

ON BEHALF of CPA Australia I acknowledge the successful passage of Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (IA-CEPA)," said CPA Australia chairman and president, Peter Wilson.

"The IA-CEPA will further strengthen the economic and commercial ties between these two markets," Mr Wilson said. "Indonesia is one of the fastest growing economies in the region, and one of Australia’s nearest neighbours. This geographical proximity, plus the countries’ already strong ties means that Australian businesses and jobs are well positioned to benefit from this new agreement.

"Under the agreement, non-tariff barriers to trade will be reduced, paperwork simplified and the IA-CEPA will allow 99 percent of Australia's goods exports to enter Indonesia either duty free or with significantly improved preferential arrangements. All Indonesia's goods exports will enter Australia duty free.

"Encouraging international trade by removing impediments is very positive for both Australian businesses and Australian jobs. The agreement also ensures that Indonesia will not apply tariffs to Australian goods exports in the future," he said.

"We also acknowledge the bipartisan support of the Australian Labor Party who supported the passage of this important legislation."

Indonesia is an important trading partner with Australia. According to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT), in 2018, total two-way trade in goods and services with Indonesia was worth A$17.6 billion, making Indonesia Australia's 4th largest trading partner.



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