Ensuring Integrity Bill - Master Builders disappointed by Senate 'failure''

“THE REJECTION of the Ensuring Integrity Bill by some members of the Senate crossbench is a bitter blow for the building and construction industry,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said yesterday.

“Master Builders thanks those senators who defied construction union bullies and thugs to support the Bill and the rule of law.

“The thousands of small builders and tradies that are victims of construction union bullying will be gutted by this. They deserve an explanation from those senators that rejected the Bill about why they voted to let the bullies win,” Ms Wawn said. 

“The action of these senators will give the green light to construction unions and their officials to continue to bully, harass and coerce small business people to sign up to union deals and it’s our members and the community that will pay the price. 

“Master Builders will continue to fight for measures to combat the toxic culture of bullying in the construction unions,” Ms Wawn said. 

“Today’s vote is a setback, but we’re not going anywhere. Bullying is not tolerated in the community, and it should not be tolerated on construction sites.



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