Government Efficiency and Effectiveness public hearing

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit will hold its first public hearing in Canberra on Friday, November 15, 2019 as part of the Inquiry into the Efficiency and Effectiveness of a number of government programs and initiatives as contained in the below Auditor-General’s Reports:

No. 25 (2018-19) Efficiency of the Processing of Applications for Citizenship by Conferral

No. 29 (2018–19) Efficiency of the Investigation of Transport Accidents and Safety Occurrences

No. 38 (2018–19) Application of Cost Recovery Principles

No. 42 (2018-19) Management of Small Business Tax Debt

No. 44 (2018–19) Effectiveness of the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation

No. 45 (2018–19) Coordination and Targeting of Domestic Violence Funding and Actions

No. 51 (2019–19) Farm Management Deposits Scheme

The public hearing program and further information about the inquiry is available on the committee’s website.


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