'Out of excuses' on New Acland Mine extension says New Hope

NEW HOPE Group is calling on the Premier and Minister Lynham to immediately approve New Acland Mine Stage 3 following the September 10 judgement in the Queensland Court of Appeal.

The Court of Appeal ruled in favour of New Hope Group and rejected the case of the objector, Oakey Coal Action Alliance.

New Hope Group chief operating officer Andrew Boyd said there is now nothing standing in the way of the State Government awarding New Acland Mine its long overdue approvals.

“The Premier and Minister Lynham could have approved New Acland Stage 3, months ago,” Mr Boyd said.

“It’s time for them to step up and do what’s right.

“Both the Premier and Minister Lynham stated last week, they would make a decision following the Court of Appeal.

“The Court of Appeal yesterday ruled in favour of New Hope Group, paving the way for the State Government to approve New Acland Stage 3 immediately.

“It’s time for the Premier to end the uncertainty.

“The Acland project has been before the courts, four times in the past four years.

“On three occasions, multiple judges ruled in favour of New Hope Group, while the decision of the fourth (the original Land Court Member) has been found to be infected by an apprehension of bias against the company.

“No wonder the New Acland workforce and the wider Darling Downs community is confused and angry.

“The Government has run out of excuses. The Premier and Minister Lynham can end the uncertainty now and approve New Acland Stage 3 and help New Hope Group provide long term certainty to its employees, suppliers and the local community.”

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