Inquiry resumes on economic engagement of Traditional Owners

THE Northern Australia Committee has re-commenced its inquiry into the economic engagement of Traditional Owners.

The inquiry will examine opportunities and challenges associated with land rights, native title and other land-related agreements for the purpose of engaging Traditional Owners in the economic development of Northern Australia.

Committee Chair, Warren Entsch, said that with 78 percent of land in Northern Australia claimed or recognised under statutory land rights or native title, the resources available to Indigenous Australians are significant.

"The Committee wants to find ways to work with Traditional Owners so they can make better use of their resources, which will work to the advantage of Indigenous peoples while contributing to the economic development of Northern Australia," Mr Entsch said.

He urged a greater focus on capacity building in grass-roots Indigenous organisations under the land rights and native title regimes.

The inquiry commenced in the last Parliament, and was suspended during the election period. To date, the Committee has received 26 submissions and held one public hearing. 

Submissions are open until Friday, November 15, 2019. 

Further details of the inquiry, including expanded terms of reference, can be found on the Committee’s website.


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