Australia's two treaties in three cities Parliamentary committee spotlight

THE Joint Standing Committee on Treaties will be holding hearings on the Hong Kong and Indonesia free trade agreements in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth in the coming weeks.

Committee Chair Dave Sharma MP said the hearings would be the first opportunity for public consultation on the agreements since they were signed some months ago.

“In an international environment in which protectionism is gaining a foothold, it is now more important than ever for the Parliament to engage with Australians on free trade,” Mr Sharma said.

“These public hearings will be important in informing the Committee’s views on whether the agreements are in Australia’s national interest.”

The hearings will enable community groups; peak bodies representing business, exporters, education institutions and employees; along with academic experts, to talk to the Committee about the two agreements.

Programs for all three hearings, including lists, are available on the Committee's website

Public hearing details


Any members of the public wishing to attend this public hearing can register interest via e-mail at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by 2pm Friday, 23 Aug 2019.

Date: Monday 26 August 2019
Time: 9am to 4pm
Location: Meeting Room 1, Level 21, Commonwealth Parliamentary Office, 1 Bligh Street

Click here to view the full program. 


Date: Tuesday 27 August 2019
Time:       9am to 4pm
Location: Committee Room G6, Ground Floor, 55 St Andrews Place

Click here to view the full program.


Date: Monday 2 September 2019
Time: 9am to 4pm
Location: Anglesea Room, Mercure, 10 Irwin Street

Click here to view the full program.

The hearings will be broadcast live at


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