Committee to explore nuclear power option

THE House of Representatives Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy has commenced an inquiry into the prerequisites for nuclear energy in Australia.

Chair of the committee, Ted O’Brien MP, said a fresh look at nuclear energy is timely, given that new technologies in the field are leading to cleaner, safer and more efficient energy production.

"Nuclear energy has evolved since it was last seriously considered in Australia," Mr O’Brien said.

"This inquiry will provide the opportunity to establish whether nuclear energy would be feasible and suitable for Australia in the future, taking into account both expert opinions and community views.

"The committee looks forward to receiving and carefully considering all perspectives on its terms of reference."

The committee will look at the necessary circumstances and requirements for any future government’s consideration of nuclear energy generation, including using small modular reactor technologies.

The committee will consider a range of matters including waste management, health and safety, environmental impacts, energy affordability and reliability, economic feasibility and workforce capability, security implications, community engagement and national consensus.

Submissions to the inquiry will be accepted until September 16, 2019. The committee intends to hold public hearings at various locations, which will be announced in due course on the inquiry website.

Submissions must address the inquiry’s terms of reference, which are available along with details on how to make a submission on the inquiry website.


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