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COSBOA supports war on red tape and inefficient compliance

THE Council of Small Business of Australia (COSBOA) today congratulated the Federal Government on their “Repeal Day” initiative which will see the targeted removal of thousands of unnecessary compliance demands on business.

Peter Strong, Executive Director of COSBOA said Repeal Day represents a major milestone.

“The removal of red tape and the subsequent freeing up of small business people to run their companies, rather than do the work of governments has been a base aim of COSBOA since our founding in 1977.

“The announcement of “Repeal Day” in parallel with the stated aim of the government of removing $1 billion worth of compliance demands on business is exactly what we need.”

COSBOA and its member organisations are working with the Hon Josh Frydenberg MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the Prime Minister, who is tasked with achieving sense in business compliance.

COSBOA will be focusing on gathering information from small business people throughout Australia on what they want removed or changed and what difference it will make to their businesses.

“There is good compliance that is easy to manage, however there is also bad compliance processes. And, there are tasks we are asked to do, such as collecting superannuation, which get in the way of running small businesses.

“There are over 2 million business people who employ almost 5 million others, so removing unnecessary processes and red tape will add to the productivity of the economy, improve safety in the workplace and add to job security, in a profound and far reaching way,” Mr Strong concluded. 

