Tackling underperformance number one super priority - ISA

INDUSTRY Super Australia (ISA) today congratulated the Morrison Government on its re-election and announcement of key treasury portfolio ministers who will be responsible for progressing important reforms that could make hundreds of thousands of dollars difference to Australians’ retirement.

ISA chief executive Bernie Dean today congratulated the newly appointed Assistant Minister for Superannuation, Financial Technology and Financial Services Jane Hume, who will work alongside Treasurer, Josh Frydenberg, to oversee Australia’s superannuation system.

“We’re looking forward to working constructively with the Morrison Government to deliver the change that is needed to lift performance and improve member outcomes,” Mr Dean said.

“The Royal Commission and Productivity Commission made it clear that the chronic underperformance plaguing parts of the system and incidence of multiple accounts will have a devastating impact on Australians’ retirement savings unless there is significant reform.

“We need to ensure dud underperforming funds are weeded out from the system, and that there is a framework in place to connect people to a single, high-performing and quality checked fund - whether by default or choice.”

Mr Dean said stopping the rort of unpaid super that sees nearly 3 million workers robbed of close to $6 billion in super by dodgy bosses every year was another area requiring urgent action. 

“There is a simple fix the new Government can make – requiring all employers to pay super at the same time as they pay salary,” Mr Dean said.

“With women on average retiring with less than half the amount of super than men, closing the gender gap is another area that we need to see more progress in.

“Paying super on parental leave and abolishing the $450 super guarantee threshold are two commitments the Government could make that would go some way to closing the gap.”

Mr Dean said there were also significant opportunities for IndustrySuper Funds to be partners in the Government’s infrastructure agenda, investing capital at appropriate rates of return for members whilst simultaneously driving growth and creating jobs.

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