Adani's Carmichael Coal project gets federal environment approval

THE Australian Government’s approval of the Carmichael Coal project’s groundwater management plans, based on the recommendations of CSIRO and Geoscience Australia, is another milestone in the project’s 3091 days and counting approval process according to Queensland Resources Council (QRC).

"Since the original application for the project was accepted by the Bligh Government or deemed a “controlled project” under the Gillard Government in 2010, Adani has worked through all the State and Federal Government processes," QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said.

"To put that into context, it took less time – 2891 days – for the winning tenderer to build and open the Sydney Harbour Bridge during the 1920s and ‘30s. Surely we can do better in 21st century Australia.

"The extensive and ongoing regulatory process has identified an opportunity for Adani to implement better ways to protect the Doongmabulla Springs," he said.

"Like any project, whether it is a wind farm, a tourism development or major piece of infrastructure, the Carmichael Coal project has completed a comprehensive environmental impact statement, which has been subject to two periods of public consultation, before receiving approvals – with conditions – from the State and Federal Governments.

"The project has been under the scrutiny of government agencies in Brisbane and Canberra under both sides of politics over the last nine years.

"Any politicisation of the approval processes for the Carmichael Coal project cast doubt over all proposed projects, their planned investment and their promised jobs. There is a pipeline of an estimated $65 billion in resource projects in Queensland."

Link to Environment Minister Melissa Price’s media statement.


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