Intelligence Committee reports on encryption and counter-terrorism legislation

TODAY, the Intelligence and Security Committee has tabled two reports reviewing legislation that seeks to assist intelligence and law enforcement agencies to better deal with challenges posed by encrypted communications, and a separate counter-terrorism bill providing for the temporary exclusion of certain persons from Australia.

Assistance and Access Act

The report on the Review of the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Act 2018 notes that the Assistance and Access Act has attracted significant domestic and international interest since the introduction of the then Bill in mid-2018 and its passage in late-2018. The Committee understands the interest as the Act introduced significant new powers on technical matters that have global implications.

The Committee notes in its report that the Assistance and Access Act will be reviewed by the Independent National Security Legislation Monitor and this Committee in the next Parliament, under its statutory review function.

Temporary Exclusion Orders Bill

In its Advisory Report on the Counter-Terrorism (Temporary Exclusion Orders) Bill 2019, the Committee supports the intention of the Bill to provide the Government with greater control over the return of Australian foreign fighters — and their families and associates — to Australia. The Committee supports passage of the Bill, subject to the implementation of 18 recommendations for safeguards and accountability measures to ensure public confidence in the integrity of the scheme.

Committee Chair, Andrew Hastie MP said the Committee takes its responsibility to review national security legislation seriously.

“The Committee has a strong track record of recommending amendments that enhance the effectiveness of Australia’s intelligence and security legislation.” Mr Hastie said.

“The two reports tabled today build on this significant record.”

Both reports are available on the Committee’s website:


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