Changes to ROE rules a positive step towards 'protecting workplaces from union bullies' say Master Builders

THE CHANGES to Right of Entry (ROE) regulations announced on March 26 are a positive step towards achieving a stronger and fairer approach to rules about union officials entering workplaces, according to Master builders Australia.

Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said, “It is important to ensure worker representatives can access work sites, but it is equally important that the Right of Entry system is strong and rigorous, to make sure it is not abused by union officials who try and get on site to bully and harass small businesses.

“The building and construction industry is plagued by a history of unions breaching ROE rules, with the list of court cases and penalty decisions growing longer every day,” she said.

Since 2015, there have been breaches of ROE rules on construction sites, Ms Wawn outlined:

  • By 58 individual CFMEU officials.
  • At least 189 times.
  • Resulting in penalties of almost $3 million, with three further penalty hearings already set for 2019. 

“Master Builders is pleased that the Government has heard the voice of the building industry, small business, and sub-contractors. Something has needed to be done for a long time to protect workers on sites who, day in day out, face the threat of bullying and abuse by construction union officials.” Ms Wawn said.

“However, more needs to be done and we will be asking both major parties to ensure they close the remaining loopholes that building unions regularly exploit, Denita Wawn said.


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