More cane toad witnesses to invade Parliament House

THE House Standing Committee on the Environment and Energy will hold a second public hearing tomorrow for its inquiry into controlling the spread of cane toads.

The Department of the Environment and Energy, the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources and the CSIRO will give evidence at the hearing.

The inquiry is focused on how cane toads can be controlled and additional support that could be provided.

Public hearing programs, submissions received and further information can be found on the inquiry website at

Last week, the Committee heard evidence from scientists, researchers and non-government organisations involved in controlling cane toads.  A proof transcript and other details are available on the inquiry website.

Public hearing details: 10am–11am (Canberra time), Wednesday 20 February 2019, Committee Room 1R5, Parliament House, Canberra

An audio broadcast of the public hearing can be accessed at


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