National Congress calls on Govt to enact recommendations on constitutionally enshrined Voice

NATIONAL CONGRESS has reported that it is pleased that the final Joint Select Committee report on the Voice to the Parliament has recommended the constitutionally enshrined Voice and setting up of the truth and justice commission.

Now the National Congress of Australia's is urging the Federal Government to now accept the recommendations and act on them.

"We would like to thank the committee for their work and recognising the inputs and recommendations made by our peoples," reported a National Congress  official communique.

"We echo the recommendations that accepting the Statement from the Heart at Uluru will inform Australians of facts of what has happened in the past and continues today, knowing and understanding the truth and history will only strengthen the identity of this nation.

"The recommendations in the final report are received with the hope that its implementation should be first priority of the 46th Parliament. We also hope that legislation is passed quickly to enact a process of truth-telling involving local organisations and regional communities and the creation of a truth and justice commission."

Recommendations made by the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples have been acknowledged and appreciated by professor Tom Calma in the report, underlining the work done by the organisation to further the rights of First Nationsl peoples and action on the voice to the Parliament.
Jackie Huggins, co-chair of the National Congress said, “We hope that the call to enshrine the voice, truth and justice commission in the 46th Parliament is met. We urge the government to now legislate the recommendations without further delay." 
National Congress co-chair Rod Little said, "The government must realise there is much that can be done before the election to progress important work identified within the recommendations of the report. First Australians continue to be locked out of making decisions on matters that impact our families and communities and ultimately rightful recognition in the Constitution will go a long way to improving the lives of future generations.”

"The success of this country has been built on First Peoples suffering, however here is an opportunity to create a brighter future for this nation through equality and justice for all Australian’s including First Australians.

"This report needs to be embraced positively and legislative action is urged to set us on a path that would enable a partnership to seriously close the gaps and address concerns our people have faced for so long. We call on this government to urgently enact the reforms proposed in the final report, commencing with a truth-telling and agreement making commission."

About the National Congress of Australia's First Peoples

National Congress is the peak organisation representing the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. National Congress was established following extensive consultations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and leaders and has represented First People at the federal level since 2010. National Congress represents close to 10,000 individual members from across Australia as well as over 180 peak and other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations.


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