Master Builders welcomes Morrison ministry

MASTER BUILDERS Australia has congratulated Scott Morrison on becoming the 30th Prime Minister of Australia and the announcement of his Ministry.

“The Prime Minister’s recognition of the importance of industrial relations to a strong economy is important and Master Builders looks forward working with the Kelly O’Dwyer in her new role as the Minister for Jobs, Industrial Relations and Women,” Denita Wawn, CEO of Master Builders Australia said. 

“Small business and vocational skills are a major focus for Master Builders. There are more small businesses in building and construction than any other sector of the economy and our industry trains more apprentices than any other.

"We look forward to the strong focus that Senator Michaelia Cash will bring to the Small and Family Business and Vocational Skills portfolio,” she said.

“It’s particularly welcome that these portfolios have been returned to Cabinet,” Ms Wawn said. 

“Master Builders also congratulates the Alan Tudge as Minister for Cities, Urban Infrastructure and population. We know the importance of this portfolio for the productivity and livability of our cities and for important issues such as housing affordability and we look forward to working closely with him,” she said. 

“Finally, Master Builders thanks former Prime Minister Hon Malcolm Turnbull for this service to the nation. His achievement in legislating the return of the ABCC is greatly appreciated by our industry,” Denita Wawn said.




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