QRC statement on incoming Prime Minister Scott Morrison

THE Queensland Resources Council has congratulated Scott Morrison on his elevation to the office of Prime Minister. 

“Scott Morrison knows what makes regional Queensland tick, and he understands the importance of our most valuable industries – like resources,” QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said. 

“In recent times we’ve seen him make several visits to some of our resources heartlands in Central and North Queensland. And we know he’s a fan of the coal industry, which he proved on the floor of Parliament. 

“As Treasurer he’s seen the revenue roll in from our resources exports.

“His new Deputy, Josh Frydenberg, is a former Resources Minister, and will have seen first-hand how many Queenslanders rely on the resources sector for their jobs, and the contribution these tens of thousands of people make to our economy. 

“The QRC also commends the contribution of Malcolm Turnbull during his time as Prime Minister, in particular his focus on energy policy. 

“We look forward to the new leadership team turning their attention to implementing a policy to provide affordable and reliable energy for households and industry.”



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