Resources sector can deliver even more jobs for Queensland

THE Queensland Resources Council has welcomed news an additional 4400 jobs were created in July with the sector continuing to contribute one new job every hour across the State and more than 1400 vacancies currently advertised online. 

QRC chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the resources sector supported one in every eight jobs in Queensland.

"The resources sector is creating more jobs, delivering more exports and generating more royalties for Queensland. The world wants what we have, particularly with the expansion of renewables, electric vehicles and infrastructure,” Mr Macfarlane said. 

“Over the last 12 months, the resources sector has created more than 8400 jobs – the equivalent of one job an hour. 

“We can continue to create opportunities through direct jobs and spin off benefits for regional communities right across the State. 

“A strong resources sector means a strong Queensland. 

“We are determined to work with the Government for even more jobs, exports and royalties. We need predictable laws to ensure we can invest even more to explore and sustainably develop Queensland’s resources for the benefit of all Queenslanders.”


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