Qld is ideal place for Japanese HELE coal investment

QUEENSLAND Resources Council chief executive Ian Macfarlane has welcomed action from the Federal Government to encourage new investment from Japan in advanced coal-fired power stations in Australia.

“It’s common sense to make full use of our vast energy resources, including high-quality coal to run high-efficiency low-emissions (HELE) power stations,” Mr Macfarlane said. “And Queensland is the ideal place to build one.

“We have access to the best energy resources for a diverse energy mix that is affordable and reliable.

“Queensland’s high-quality coal is already being exported to other countries in our region for use in advanced coal-fired power stations including Japan, China and Korea.

“It makes economic sense to use those resources here in Australia too.”

Thousands of HELE units are already in use or under construction around the world, he said.

“Queensland is Australia’s energy super power, with our extensive reserves of high quality coal, gas and renewable resources,” Mr Macfarlane said.

“Our gas resources are already keeping the lights on in the southern states, including in Victoria where gas development is banned. And we export electricity from our fleet of coal-fired power stations to NSW and Victoria to help power the national grid.

“Building a new HELE coal-fired power station in Queensland makes sense to further strengthen energy security for all Australians.

“We encourage the Commonwealth and all states and territories to finalise the National Energy Guarantee, which is technology neutral and will provide investment certainty for all types of power generation.”



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