New jobs for Queensland – resources sector creates a new job every hour

THE QUEENSLAND resources industry has created more than 8400 extra jobs over the last 12 months – the equivalent of one new job every hour.

Queensland Resources Council chief executive Ian Macfarlane said the latest Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) labour force data reaffirmed the resources sector was a key Queensland employer with new jobs in mining regions and Australia's biggest mining town – Brisbane.

“This is good news for people working in the resources sector and more importantly people looking for work.  The resources sector has hundreds of vacancies looking for men and women to fill,” he said.

ABS labour force data shows:

  • resource sector jobs increased from 56,705 in May 2017 quarter to 65,180 over 12 months to the May 2018 quarter, an increase by 15 percent or an extra 8,474 jobs;
  • jobs in non-metallic mineral mining and quarrying increased by 53 percent to 4,094 over the last 12 months;
  • jobs in coal mining increased by 34 percent to 28,945 over the last 12 months;
  • jobs in oil and gas increased by 25 percent to 8,069 over the last 12 months;
  • jobs in exploration and mining support services increased by 7 percent to 15,765 over the last 12 months.

Mr Macfarlane said the outlook for jobs in the coal, minerals, petroleum and gas industries was very strong with a survey of chief executive officers (CEOs) of QRC member companies that 52 percent would increase their Queensland workforce over the next 12 months, with 13 percent looking to increase employment ‘substantially'.  Only 9 percent of CEOs surveyed said they planned to reduce staff over the next 12 months, with none of the CEOs expecting a substantial decrease.

“Jobs in the resources sector are good jobs," Mr Macfarlane said. "Resource jobs are well-paid jobs.

"The mining industry has by far the highest average weekly full-time adult earnings of any industry at $2659 – or over $138,000 per annum,” he said.

The Queensland resources sector supports more than 280,000 full-time jobs and last financial year contributed over $55 billion to the State’s economy.


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