Destruction and regeneration: Recreating cities in the 21st century

IN HIS BOOK, Destructive Cities, Brian Haratsis, Executive Chairman of MacroPlan Dimasi, presents the concept of destruction/regeneration of cities, with cities renewing themselves continuously.

According to Mr Haratsis, “Destructive/regenerative cities require value creation and capture through institutional reform of infrastructure delivery, evolutionary zoning and taxation regimes that provide incentives for maximum development, mixed-use development and place making, which maximises social innovation and economic outcomes.”

He notes that “these outcomes are actively prevented in Australia due to the primary philosophies driving urban planning outcomes – protect the short-term value of property, maintain bureaucratic and political control over infrastructure provision and property development, and stick to an uncontroversial garden city planning model”.

Mr Haratsis argues that “Destructive/regenerative city planning would create a new social contract and development outcomes on a long-term basis”.

The House Standing Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities will consider these possibilities and more at a public hearing for its inquiry into the Australian Government’s role in the Development of cities.

Committee Chair, Andrew Wallace MP, said the impact of globalisation is changing the dynamic of urban and regional development in Australia. New economies, new technologies and rapid demographic change demanded new concepts of how cities and regions work and relate to each other.

“A new approach to urban and regional development is required, with an emphasis on collaboration between governments, communities and business to create prosperous, sustainable and liveable urban environments," Mr Wallace said.

Further information on the inquiry, including the full terms of reference, is available on the Committee website.

Public hearing details: 5pm – 6.30pm, Tuesday, 5 December 2017, Committee Room 1R3, Parliament House, Canberra

The hearing will be broadcast live at

Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website.


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