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Improving Commonwealth procurement

THE Joint Committee of Public Accounts and Audit has tabled its report on Commonwealth Procurement based on the following Auditor-General’s reports:

  • No. 1 (2016-17), Procurement of the International Centre for Complex Project Management to Assist on the OneSKY Australia Program;
  • No. 13 (2016-17), Delivery of Health Services in Onshore Immigration Detention; and
  • No. 16 (2016-17), Offshore Processing Centres in Nauru and Papua New Guinea: Procurement of Garrison Support and Welfare Services.

Procurement is core business for Commonwealth agencies and achieving value for money is expected to be a central consideration.

Committee Chair Senator Dean Smith said the Committee had made a number of recommendations in its report to improve procurement management by the agencies under review.

“Effective Commonwealth procurement will continue to be a strong focus of the Joint Committee for Public Accounts and Audit in its role in scrutinising the governance, performance and accountability of Commonwealth agencies,” Senator Smith said.

The report makes nine recommendations, including that:

  • Airservices Australia provide the Committee with a post-implementation progress report for each of the audit recommendations; report back on a number of matters to demonstrate its improved management of probity in procurement; and report back on implementation of the audit findings of Audit Report No. 46, Conduct of the OneSKY Tender;
  • the Department of the Finance consolidate procurement guidance as it relates to corporate Commonwealth entities, to ensure such entities more strictly apply the Commonwealth Procurement Rules;
  • the Australian National Audit Office consider a third-stage audit into the conduct of the OneSKY tender by Airservices and any associated matters; and a performance audit of the next Department of Immigration and Border Protection procurement of garrison support and welfare services; and
  • the Department of Immigration and Border Protection provide the Committee with a post-implementation progress report for each of the audit recommendations in Audit Report No. 16 (2016-17); and report back on its implementation of appropriate performance monitoring of the contractor for the provision of health services in onshore immigration detention and implementation of a risk-based remediation plan.

 Interested members of the public may wish to track the Committee via the website
