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Australian Energy Market Operator to meet committee

THE House Environment and Energy Committee will hear from the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) at a public hearing tomorrow for the inquiry into modernising Australia’s electricity grid.

The Chair of the Committee, Andrew Broad MP, said the Committee was looking forward to hearing from AEMO about measures to ensure the security and reliability of the electricity system, both in the short term and as the system continues to evolve.

“As the market operator, AEMO is on the front line of the changes underway in the electricity grid. The Committee is keen to hear from AEMO what measures it thinks will encourage more dispatchable capability on the grid,” Mr Broad said.

The Committee will also hear from the Energy Efficiency Council, which represents stakeholders with experience in energy efficiency and related issues, such as demand management.

The Deputy Chair of the Committee, Mr Pat Conroy MP, said the Committee was looking forward to hearing about the role of demand management in achieving a more reliable and affordable electricity system.

“Demand management is an important consideration for the Committee as it examines how to ensure a responsive modern grid,” Mr Conroy said.

As part of the inquiry, the Committee is encouraging members of the community to share their views on the electricity system via an online questionnaire.

Further information about the inquiry, including submissions from organisations appearing at the hearings, is available on the inquiry website.


Public hearing details: 9:45 am to 11:15 am, Thursday, 14 September, Parliament House, Canberra

The hearing will be broadcast live at
