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Driving Tourism in Northern Australia

THE Parlimentary Northern Australia Committee will hold a public hearing in Canberra on Thursday, 14 September as part of its Inquiry into Opportunities and Methods for Stimulating the Tourism Industry in Northern Australia.

The Committee Deputy Chair, Warren Snowdon MP, said drive tourism was an important sector of the domestic tourism market.

“Each year thousands of Australians from the southern states spend their holidays driving the northern Australian roads, significantly contributing to the regional economy,” Mr Snowdon said.

“The progressive sealing of more connecting roads in Northern Australia will provide tourists towing caravans and camper trailers with increased access to tourism venues across the region. Are local councils and local tourism operators 'tourism-ready' for a potential influx of drive tourists?” he asked.

The Committee will hear evidence from the Australian Caravan Club, Big4 Holiday Parks, and the Australian Hotels Association (NT).


Public hearing details: 9:05 am to 10:45 am, Thursday 14 September, Committee Room 1R6, Parliament House, Canberra

For the hearing program, please see the committee's website.

The hearing will be broadcast live (audio only) at

Further information about the Committee’s inquiry, including submissions and the terms of reference, is also available on the committee’s website.
