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Sydney striding towards a sustainable future

SYDNEY'S population is now north of 5 million people and growth is projected to continue. Its expanding population will test the capacity of key infrastructure including transportation, water, energy and waste treatment facilities. Innovative methods will be needed to meet greater demand.

The Committee on Infrastructure, Transport and Cities is investigating the Australian Government’s role in addressing these issues. It will conduct site inspections in Sydney next week, to examine examples of environmentally and socially sustainable urban design, and to talk to thought leaders at a public hearing on Tuesday.

Committee Chair, John Alexander OAM MP, said Sydney is already making strides towards a more environmentally sustainable urban form, capable of accommodating an increasing population.

“A lot of people in Sydney are aware of these issues and are identifying innovative solutions,” Mr Alexander said.

“The city is a global leader with pioneering urban renewal projects, like Barangaroo, which will be the first ‘climate positive’ precinct in the world when it is completed.

“Our inquiry will look at development and other activities occurring in Sydney with a view to identifying a role for the Commonwealth Government in facilitating long term city planning to address these issues.”

‘Smart cities’ will be on the agenda at the hearing. The Downer Group describes smart cities as efficient, liveable, and economically, socially and environmentally sustainable cities, which “take static infrastructure and services, and make them smart, to empower people and improve their standard of living”.

“While the cost of building smart infrastructure can be more expensive to build, there is huge value to be gained through operational efficiency and improved customer outcomes”, the Downer Group suggested.


Public hearing details: 9.00 am – 3.00 pm, Tuesday 22 August, Jubilee Room, NSW Parliament

9.00 am: Green Building Council of Australia
9.40 am: Consult Australia
10.40 am: Sue Holliday
11.20 am: Total Environment Centre
12.00 pm: Lunch
12:50 pm: Downer Group
1.30 pm: Committee for Sydney
2.10 pm: IoT Alliance Australia
3.00 pm: Close

The hearing will be broadcast live at

Further information on the inquiry, including the full terms of reference, is available on the Committee website.

 Interested members of the public may wish to track the inquiry via the Committee’s website.
