Systems and people—tax engagement hearing in Sydney
THE Tax and Revenue Committee will hold an interstate hearing in Sydney on Monday to further progress its inquiry into tax engagement.
The hearing will focus on applying behavioural insights work in public policy—influencing people to behave in ways which align with government objectives—and how personal responsibility or ethical behaviour can influence tax engagement. The impact of this on the undeclared cash economy and on individual freedom and choice, including potential impacts on the tax profession, will be explored.
Committee Chair Kevin Hogan MP said Monday’s public hearing will cover many aspects of the inquiry’s broad terms of reference.
“The Sydney hearing provides us with the unique opportunity to discuss behavioural economics with academics from the US and the UK, meet with the CEO of the Board of Taxation, and have grass‑roots feedback from tax professionals like ETax Accountants and the Australian Taxpayers’ Alliance—all in the one day,” Mr Hogan said.
Importantly, the Committee will also discuss comparable country perspectives with the New Zealand Country Head of one of the peak accounting profession bodies, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand, appearing alongside his Australian counterpart.
Mr Hogan also noted the Committee is keen to discuss the overseas work of pioneers of behavioural insights work including Professor Robert Slonim of Sydney University, who is soon to head the Commonwealth’s Behavioural Economics Team Australia, and the work of the Behavioural Insights Team UK who first applied this field of work to the public sector.
Public hearing details: 9:30 am – 4.15pm, Monday 17 July 2017, 1 Bligh Street, SYDNEY
Please note: Members of the public attending the hearings should notify the secretariat in advance to gain entrance to the venue.
The hearing will be broadcast live at
Interested members of the public may wish to track the committee via the website.